Neutering or ‘spaying’ your female cat is a safe and effective way of stopping unwanted litters of kittens, as well as gaining important health benefits.
The neutering procedure is also known as an ovariohysterectomy. This involves the complete removal of the ovaries and womb under general anaesthetic.
What happens on the day of the operation?
You’ll bring your cat in between 8 and 9 am, having had no breakfast but plenty of access to water. The nurse will talk you through the procedure and you’ll be asked to sign a consent form, allowing us to perform the operation. Your pet will be given a sedative injection, which includes a pain-killer. The sedative will help to calm and relax her. She’ll then be admitted to have her operation under a general anaesthetic. Normally, she’ll go home the same day as her operation and you’ll be given a discharge appointment for the afternoon. Her stitches will be dissolvable, so we won’t need to see her to remove them, unless you have any concerns.
When to neuter your female cat
We recommend spaying your pet once they reach five months of age. You can find more information here.
Benefits of neutering your female cat
- You will avoid an unwanted pregnancy in your cat (female cats do not need to have a litter before spaying, this is a myth),
- Your cat won't call and wail during their sexual cycle
- She will be less likely to contract diseases spread by bites and reproductive activity, such as feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV).
In summary
Neutering is a safe and effective way of helping to prevent unwanted kittens and gives important health and behavioural advantages.