Common surgical procedures include:
Gastro Intestinal Tract
- Primary palate repair
- Hard palate and Soft palate repair
- Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome (Nares Widening, Tonsillectomy, Soft Palate Resection)
- Ventral Bulla Osteotomy
- Total Ear Canal Ablation/Lateral Bulla Osteotomy
Respiratory System
- Lobectomy
- Oesophageal foreign bodies – Endoscopic removal or Surgical
Urogenital System
- Prostatic omentalisation.
- Perineal Herniorraphy – Simple and castration or complicated (bilateral/bladder entrapment)
- Penile urethrostomy
- Scrotal urethrostomy
- Colposuspension
Skin Reconstructive Surgery (Trauma or Oncological Resection)
- Skin Reconstruction
- Axillary Wounds
- Axial Pattern Flaps
- Tissue Expanders for reconstruction